Church Services


At the moment, our services can be accessed both in our church and online via Zoom web conferencing. Follow the link below to download Zoom and enter the church  services just before 9.30am on Sundays and 5.00pm on the first, third and fifth Wednesdays of each month. Password 876351

Or phone in to the Zoom conference by dialling +61 (0)7 3185 3730 and following the prompts about meeting number 9441959065  and password 876351.

Sunday Services

Everyone is welcome to attend our Sunday church services from 9.30 to 10.30am.

What can I expect at a Christian Science Sunday Service?

Our services start with singing! The inspiring hymns with timeless ideas help to lift our thoughts to feel God’s ever-present Love. We’re pretty good singers 😉

There is a short period for silent prayer where each person quietly communes with God, and then we pray with the Lord’s prayer.

Someone from the church will perform an awesome solo.

Every Sunday, two church members read the Christian Science Bible lesson. Our Lesson consists of readings from Our Pastor – the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Subjects, so relevant today, include: God the Only Cause and Creator; Life; Love; Matter; Is the Universe, including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?; Soul and Body; Probation After Death. These sermons unearth and elaborate on the spiritual meaning of the Bible in practical, understandable ways.

Our service concludes with singing and prayer.

It’s a comfortable, laid-back environment.  There’s no dress code or prerequisite for attending.

Parents will be pleased to know that Sunday School for young people up to 20 years is held at the same time as the Sunday Service.

About the Sunday Lesson-Sermon

The Weekly Bible Lesson comprises the Sermon. This Weekly Bible Lesson can be studied in advance. You can find it in the Christian Science Quarterly, which is available either online, or in the Reading Room. There are 26 Bible Lesson subjects covered twice a year with passages from the Bible and Science & Health. Each Bible Lesson is fresh, offering practical healing ideas that anyone can apply.

Click here to read a sample Bible Lesson.

Wednesday Meetings

On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of each month we hold a testimony meeting from 5.00 to 6.00pm, normally held in the more relaxed Reading Room space. Our First Reader supplies some short readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures on a topic of current community or world interest. Then, anyone present who feels like sharing a genuine spiritual healing, helpful idea, gratitude for God, or question, then has time to do so. We sing hymns and share in God’s warmth. These meetings are pure awesomeness.  Highly recommended!

You can also listen to our online Wednesday service via Zoom at Password 876351 or call-in to the Zoom conference on your phone by dialling +61 7 3185 3730 and following the prompts about meeting number 9441959065  and password 876351.

Another similar service is held weekly at The Mother Church in Boston via this link.


Each year a special Thanksgiving Service is held towards the end of November. Those attending are keen to give gratitude for blessings received during the year, and especially for healing and growth in their lives. You are most welcome to join us.